
  • Ensure Equal Access to Justice
    • Judge Johnson fights to ensure equal access to justice for every person accused of a crime, every victim of a crime, and every civil litigant that enters his courtroom.
    • He is committed to bail reform and assigning non-monetary bonds to people who do not present a danger to the community.
  • Eliminate Obstacles to Success
    • Judge Johnson fights to reduce recidivism by working collaboratively with the Probation Department and the Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office to provide people with necessary services.
    • He crafts reasonable sentences and remits fines and court costs for eligible indigent offenders.
  • Maximize Court Efficiency
    • Judge Johnson puts timelines in place to encourage the timely resolution of cases. He has organized his dockets to create maximum court efficiency for the people of Hamilton County.
    • He has two morning criminal dockets (9AM and 11AM) and he dedicates his afternoons to presiding over civil cases and officiating weddings.